Sculpting, Raising, Chasing, and Repousse




-Chasing Workshop PRATT Fine Art Center, Seattle, WA

-Demonstrator/Lecturer Ferrous Festival 2024 Hereford College of Arts, UK

-2 week Intensive Sculptural Raising and Chasing workshop, Metal Arts Academy, CA

-Chasing Workshop, Virginia Institute of Blacksmithing, Waynseboro, VA

-Chasing Workshop, Urban Metal Studio, Phoenix, AZ


-Introduction to Chasing workshop, with the School of Visual Philosophy, San Jose, CA

-Explorations in Sculptural Chasing, Penland School of Craft, Bakersville, NC

-Chasing and Repousse workshop, Cabrillo College, Santa Cruz, CA

-Raising Workshop, Metal Arts Academy, CA


-Raising Vessels workshop, with Metal Arts Academy, Auburn, CA

-Featured in "Hephaistos" magazine issue 4/2022 published by Internationale Zeitschrift für Metallgestalter

-Awarded 1st for People Choice Award: “The Crocodile” at CBA Spring conference, Petaluma, CA

-Demonstrator, California Blacksmith Association Spring Conference, Petaluma, CA

-Chasing workshop, with Metal Arts Academy, Auburn, CA

-Art of the chisel: Chasing Workshop, with Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild, at Creator Haven, Watsonville,CA

-Guest speaker at Winter Party, with Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild, Santa Cruz, CA

-Intro to Chasing: Art of the Chisel workshop, with Metal Arts Academy, Auburn, CA


-Chasing Scientific Illustrations, with Genevieve Flynn Studio, Kansas City, MO

-Intro to Chasing: Art of the Chisel workshop, with the North Texas Blacksmith Association, Dallas,TX

-Raising Vessels workshop, with Metal Arts Academy, Auburn, CA

-High relief chasing “The art of the chisel”, with the Appalachian Center for Craft- Tennessee Tech University, Smithville, TN

-Intro to Chasing: Art of the Chisel workshop, with Metal Arts Academy, Auburn, CA


Raising Vessels workshop, with Metal Arts Academy, Auburn, CA

Featured article "Artist Blacksmith" magazine No 158 2020 published by British Artist Blacksmith Association

Intro to Chasing: Art of the Chisel workshop, with Metal Arts Academy, Auburn, CA

Featured article and back cover "The Anvils Ring" Volume 48 Number 4 Fall 2020 by ABANA

Portraits in silver workshop, with Metal Arts Academy, Auburn, CA

Demonstration, Arizona Artist Blacksmith Association, Tucson, AZ


British Artist Blacksmith Association Master Class Tour:
Intro to chasing, Topps & Co, North Yorkshire, UK
Intro to chasing, David Tucker’s Shop, Yeaveley, Derbyshire, UK
Intro to chasing, Ratho Byres Forge, Ratho, Midlothian, UK
Human Portrait Study, Ridgeway Forge, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK
Lecture Seminar, Hereford College of Arts, Hereford, Herefordshire, UK
Intro to chasing, Bringsty Forge, Herefordshire, UK
Lecture Seminar, Plumpton College, East Sussex, UK
Botanical Study Workshop, C H Jones & Sons Ltd, Devon, UK
Botanical Study Workshop, Fire & Iron Gallery, Surrey ,UK

Human Portrait study workshop with Metal Arts Academy, Auburn, CA

Intro to Chasing: Art of the Chisel workshop with Metal Arts Academy, Auburn, CA

Introductory Chasing and Repousse workshop with Metal Arts Academy, Auburn, CA

Scientific Illustrations observed in Metal workshop with The Tunnel Mill, Rochester MN


Portrait’s in Steel Workshop with Hessen Iron Works, Tucson AZ

Lecture “Chasing Limits” for 23rd Annual Northwest Jewelry and Metals Symposium, Seattle WA

Chasing in Armour Workshop and Demo for the ULA, Salt Lake City, UT

Chasing and Repousse Workshop with The Idea Foundry, Columbus OH

Art Residency with Light Grey Art Lab, Reykjavik Iceland

Chasing and Repousse Workshop with the Manhattan Student Art league, Manhattan, NY

High Relief Steel Chasing Workshop with Nechamkin Silver smithing Studio, New Jersey

Face sculpture in sheet metals Workshop at The Tunnel Mill, Rochester, MN

Demonstrator at Sword and Stones Metalpalooza, Burbank CA

By Hand, Blue Line Gallery, Roseville CA

Awarded 1st for People Choice Award: “The Elephant” at California Blacksmith Associations Spring conference, Placerville CA


Heterogeneous, Fe Gallery, Sacramento, CA

Chasing and Repousse Workshop with FeGallery, Sacramento, CA

Featured Article “Heavy Metal” in Submerge magazine issue October 9-23, 2017 #250 written by Andy J. Garcia, Sacramento, CA

Raising and Chasing Workshop with Hessen Iron Works, Tucson, AZ

Art Residency Completed at Buffalo Creek Art Center, Gardnerville, NV

Train Station Art Gallery, Buffalo Creek Art Center, Gardnerville NV

Featured article and front cover in “Anvils Ring” ABANA Publication "The Lion" of Volume 45 #2 of Spring 2017:!form/Shop/597103249865a1233a706edd

Demonstrator at CanIron 2017, Vancouver, CAN

Assisted building 12ft Oak Tree Memorial for Jackson Rancheria Casino, Plymouth CA


By Hand, Blue Line Gallery

Demonstration for Politarchopolis University, Canberra, AUS

ABANA Gallery, Salt Lake City, UT

Demonstrator at ABANA 2016, Salt Lake City, UT

Interview on Episode# 65

Appearance on Azeroth Armory: Forging Warglaives:

EAST WEST : Women and Men in Iron Exhibition,Twisted Laurel Gallery in Spruce Pine, NC

Awarded 1st in People's Choice: “The Lion” in CBA Spring Conference Gallery, Ferndale CA


Awarded “Best Mask” Gallery Pick: “Antler Helm” in Mask Show, Fe Gallery, Sacramento, CA
