In this introduction to the world of sheet metal manipulation we will be exploring pitch management, chisel/punch design, and hammer control. We will be moving at a beginner to intermediate pace. I have lots of projects for us to choose from and I will encourage everyone to challenge themselves. The idea of this workshop is to become familiar with design techniques as well as material sciences involved in chasing, repousse, and uchidashi.
Participants can expect to work on up to two projects in 18ga (approx 1mm) copper. The first project is a structured follow along design matched to the individual's skill level. If there is time the following projects will be assigned on an individual basis to best complement their growth and interests. It is not unusual to require both days to complete one project. Even though a two day course can feel pressured for time I have always been able to make our limited time together inviting, comprehensive, and fulfilling.
Participants can be expected to draw, it is not a prerequisite as there are many projects that can be traced but drawing is highly encouraged. As sheet metal is shaped it distorts and changes in volume requiring the maker to redraw elements of the design by hand. Certain intermediate to advanced designs can only be made this way, but not to worry if drawing is a newer skill set as we have many available projects that only require tracing.
Bringing a sketchbook or notebook is encouraged.
All tooling and materials will be provided.
You are most welcome to bring your own safety gear such as ear and eye protection to make yourself more comfortable, but safety gear can also be provided on site.
Participants can be expected to swing a hammer for 7-8 hours a day, the hammers are not very heavy but it should be kept in mind that it is very physical work.
All skill levels welcome!
Our host:
Meet Metal Arts Academy! I have worked with our hosts for many years and cannot speak more highly of them! Check out their new larger location as well as all the other classes they offer! Address: 337 Commercial Street #100 Auburn, CA 95603 Contact: (530) 820-3278