Sculpting, Raising, Chasing, and Repousse

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Zeus Hair Study Complete

UPDATED 5/28/2013:

I'm happy to announce my completed Homework. This was a self given assignment to further my sculpting education and I think it did what I wanted it to do. I found it very difficult to sculpt this from a photo, because the original marble statue I was using as a model is very large, so the photo was taken from the ground. This enlarged some features and shrunk others in an effect called foreshortening. So I had a little guess work and modification to do with the size and placement of the ears and forehead that gave me a little trouble. I also cracked the copper above Zeus's right eye, which virtually robbed any and all shape from that eye. A lesson I won't forget: don't rush annealing. I needed to make a lot of new tools for this work, mainly plenty of smaller ones, I could not believe how many nooks and crannies the tiny tools I had already made didn't fit into. I want to say thanks to all the people who have encouraged me over the years and supported my art work and armouring. 

UPDATE 5/27/13 :

Clocked in a few hours yesterday to get the head of hair started. ONLY HALF LEFT!​


I started this a week or 2 ago as a side project to further my education on sculpting more life like hair. Focusing on the way it bunches, overlaps, and falls on a figure.​

I've hardly gotten a chance to work on it due to traveling these last 2 weeks, so now I'm in overdrive to finish this promptly. Because the to-do list only gets longer.

If you want to see the beginning stages of Zeus, look into my older blogs and you'll find a slide show displaying the step by step. Or follow this link :